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Friday, December 13, 2013

Where Do You Find Highly Qualified Teachers?

Where Do You Find Highly Qualified Teachers?

Rural districts in Southern Arizona are competing for highly qualified science and math teachers through their partnership with the Transition to Teaching Program at the University of Arizona south campus.

Superintendents  Steve Poling of the Palominas Elementary District and Rod Rich of Santa Cruz Valley Unified outlined their efforts to assure their schools attract great teachers.

Through a five-year $2.2 million grant, the partnership goals are:
  • To recruit and retain teachers in direct response to the needs of the project’s partnering schools.
  • Prepare students with both accelerated and alternative tracks to a master’s degree in education with a certificate to teach STEM subjects at the secondary school level.
  • Retain and support teachers with mentors/coaches and a robust hybrid mentor network.

ASPRA Reporter Terry Locke, Chandler Unified

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