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Friday, December 13, 2013

Business and Education Working Together to Achieve Student Success

Business and Education Working Together to Achieve Student Success 

Business leaders recognize that education is the key to prosperity, but are schools preparing students for the workforce? Business leaders Richard Condit, senior vice president of Administration from Sundt Construction, Inc., and Tina Norton, chief financial officer of Pima County, shared their concerns from the business perspective on how well students are prepared for the business industry. 

The panelists agreed that students need employability skills and they need to have the opportunities to participate in high school internships that will better prepare them for real-life situations in the workplace. The more students participate in Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs, the higher their academic motivation, academic engagement, grades, career self-efficacy, college aspirations and employability skills. CTE students are more likely to develop problem-solving, project completion, research, math, college application, work-related, communication, time management and critical-thinking skills during high school. 

 High quality CTE programs are not only good for students, but will also have a positive impact on Arizona. Ms. Norton stated, “What in your lifetime today is the same as it was 100 years ago? The world has changed, but education has not.” According to Woodrow Wilson, “It’s easier to change the location of a cemetery than it is to change education.” Now is the time to revamp the education system. 

 Barriers need to be removed and students must have the opportunities to attend CTE classes, create career pathways and develop career plans. 

 For more information, view this video 

ASPRA Reporter, Linda Jeffries, Alhambra Elementary School District

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