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Thursday, December 12, 2013

Improve Employee Morale and Health While Controlling Healthcare Costs

Kari Ruthig
Improving Employee Morale and Health While Controlling Healthcare Costs

It’s no longer a secret! You can boost your employees’ spirits and minimize healthcare costs by launching an employee wellness program. Mrs. Kari Ruthig, a wellness and disease management consultant, outlined communication as a key indicator of a successful employee wellness program. Another critical aspect is offering small incentives to help encourage participation.

“Investing in personal health now will pay off later,” said Mrs. Ruthig.

Research points to unhealthy lifestyles that often lead to chronic disease and increased healthcare costs for school districts. Mrs. Ruthig provided insight on disease management and the importance of giving employees the tools to take control of their own health, which can result in diminished healthcare expense for the district.

ASPRA Reporter Danielle Airey, Peoria Unified

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