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Friday, December 13, 2013

Tomorrow's Winners

Richard Hopkins
Tomorrow's Winners

An award-winning program for seventh- and eighth-grade students in the Buckeye Elementary School District is paying bonuses by helping to reduce the high school dropout rate, and increase student involvement when they get to high school.

Tomorrow’s Winners provides Buckeye Elementary students with the information and strategies in three structured sessions in the fall, winter and spring. The first session deals with healthy living, the second with personal choices (including domestic violence) and the last session takes a look into careers and higher education. The interactive sessions include messages from athletes (both amateur and professional), local celebrities, social service agencies, and experts from a variety of career fields. The sessions  give students the tools they’ll need too be successful in high school, stay in school, and look to continue their education after high school.

And it’s working.

Since the program’s inception the dropout rate in Buckeye Union has dropped to just over one percent from just over five percent, said Buckeye Elementary Superintendent Dr. Kristi Sandvik.

The program emphasizes the need for students to get involved in high school. National research has consistently shown that students who become involved in high school perform better academically and socially and are less likely to drop out of school.

“We tell the kids that if you want something, and the high school doesn’t have it, start it,” said Buckeye Elementary Board Member Richard Hopkins. And students listen. Two years ago, one of Tomorrow’s Winners graduates re-started the flag line at one of Buckeye’s high schools. In two years, the line has grown from five participants to over 20, and last year placed fifth in a statewide competition.

ASPRA Reporter Jim Cummings, APR, Glendale Elementary

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