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Thursday, December 12, 2013

Building Positive, Productive, Superintendent – School Board Relationships

W. John Williams
Building Positive, Productive, Superintendent – School Board Relationships

All educational experts would agree that having a strong relationship between the superintendent and school board members is paramount. How paramount? Those relationships are thought to be the most vital in the effective management of a school district. Dr. Nathan McCann, superintendent of Altar Valley Elementary, who led this discussion with Board Member W. John Williams not only has experience as a superintendent, but he also completed his dissertation on the foundation on school board-superintendent relationship.

Research shows that both the superintendent and school board members need to take ownership in creating and maintaining a positive, effective relationship with one another. Regardless what role you play in the education system, what you do, what you say and how you behave can pave a path to the success of the school district.

Dr. McCann’s study, built on qualitative data, reputational sampling and including research subjects made up of superintendents and board members from the same school district showed that board role understanding was equally as important as trust – and the two fueled one another. The board members trusting the superintendent is non-negotiable and communication is key in building that trust.

Excellent take-aways from this presentation if you are a superintendent – be a good listener, be responsive to your board members, be equally transparent (but it might not hurt providing your board president the information first) and lastly – a new board member can change the dynamic of the entire board so be prepared…and never let them be caught off guard.

Excellent reminders for invaluable roles that all have one common goal – student success. 

ASPRA reporter Erin Dunsey, Peoria Unified

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